Sunday, February 3, 2008

Every so often, I question my support for Obama. I wonder if i'm too quick to make a judgement, if i shouldn't be putting more emphasis on experience or on issue specifics. And then it hit me. Supporting Obama is taking a risk. A risk that says, I haven't seen the future yet, but I know this nation can be better. I know this world can be better. But to get there takes a gamble. A vote for Hilary is a vote for the Democrats status quo. We'd be ok with a Hilary presidency (much better than we are now, thats for sure) but we as a country wouldn't be moving forward. We'd be stuck in a partisan muck for who knows how long. But it would be ok. For me, Obama is about the possibility of moving beyond that. About redefining america itself. Changing the way we look at the rest of the world, and ourselves. And yes, its a risk. And yes, we might fail. But we'll never know our true potential unless we take that chance. Shoot for the moon, land among the stars.

Si se puede. Yes we can.

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